
Watch Dogs 2 Map

1 Jan 2000admin
Watch Dogs 2 Map Average ratng: 7,4/10 1681 votes

I loved Watch Dogs 2, less so for the characters and story, more for its wonderful virtual recreation of San Francisco and the way you were able to casually explore it - and even work within it. Role-playing as a cab driver in the city was one of the highlights for me.

So it's nice to be reminded of Ubisoft's gorgeous and sophisticated but criminally overlooked open world - two-and-a-half years after it came out - via a cool timelapse video of a player walking across the entire map.

YouTuber Enigma starts at the northern bridge, makes their way through San Francisco and Silicon Valley before crossing the eastern bridge and stopping in Oakland. According to Enigma, the map tour took two hours and 20 minutes to complete. Bet their legs hurt the next day!

Watching the video, I'm also reminded Watch Dogs 3, unannounced thus far but expected to launch later this year, is reportedly set in London. As a Londoner myself, I can't wait to role-play as a cab driver, driving around my old stomping grounds south of the river and, with any luck, causing trouble in Croydon.

Surely Croydon's in the game, right?

This page is dedicated to showing you where to find all the Collectibles in Watch Dogs 2. Click on any of the links below to be taken to a dedicated page with information on exactly how to obtain.

Anyway, Watch Dogs 2 is still a gem - one that perhaps didn't make the splash it should have, but well worth revisiting.

Scattered throughout Watch Dogs 2 are many outfits, and perhaps the most unique is the hidden Gnome outfit, giving Marcus a cute pair of colourful bottoms, mask, shirt, hat and shoes.

To unlock the Ghome outfit you must go to specific location, travel to 10 Gnome collectible locations, before a final point to unlock the set.

How to start to Gnome Outfit quest in Watch Dogs 2

Head for the octagonal seafood restaurant in Fisherman's Wharf (on the northern tip of San Francisco). Under the north west set of stairs there's a vent you can send the Jumper into.

Hack the laptop and take a look at the screen - each of the green circles on the map shows the general location of other gnomes. Puzzledom app answers connect wraps answers. You can collect any of the following in the order you like.

Gnome collectible locations in Watch Dogs 2

Health Store Roof, Embarcadero Center
North of the Embarcadero Center, near the park, is a Health Store, and the gnome is located on the roof. Head behind the building to find a handy scissor lift and use it to climb up.

Homeless Camp, south of Transbay Center
South of the Transbay Center near the highway on-ramp is a gang controlled area. The gnome is in the rear of this so you can either sneak your way in or head round the the back and use an upgraded Jumper to avoid the gang entirely.

Pawn Shop, Tenderloin
Sat on a shelf inside - just help yourself.

Bakery Roof, Haum Data Center
To the south west of the Haum Data Center is a parking lot with a bakery on one corner. The gnome is on the roof with some friends, and there's a scissor lift located behind the night club opposite to help you up.

Tidis Warehouse, Palace of Fine Arts
Head north from the Palace of Fine Arts and you'll find a restricted area. The gnome is on the north side inside a small wooden doghouse against the fence. It's right next to the gate so running in and grabbing it without incident should be easy.

Hot Tub, Mission-Dolores/Castro Theatre
Opposite Stache & Vine south of Castro Theatre is a grey building with a hot tub on the roof. Head for the south side of the block and hijack the scissor lift, drive it round to the front, and grab the gnome from above.

Taqueria Rooftop, SF MOMA
There's a small terraced park opposite SF MOMA, and just to the north of its west end is a Taqueria. Grab the nearby scissor lift, climb to the roof, and look behind the ducting on the roof.

Garden of Peace and Love
West of Painted Ladies there's a garden filled with hippies in the area in the centre of the block. Enter the south entrance and climb the stairs to your right to find the gnome in front of a pile of breeze blocks.

Rooftop Garden, Transbay Center
At the eastern end of Transbay Center is a rooftop park. Make your way up and head towards the eastern end to find a hedged-off area next to a large red sculpture. Use the upgraded Jumper to jump from the small hedge over the tall one to find another gnome.

Tunnel, Blume Arena
At the northern end of the water to the east of Blume Arena is a tunnel. Head down it, and on the west side about half way along is a small dock. The gnome is sat on a deck chair at the back.

For Curiosity winner Bryan Henderson, the prize inside the cube has been anything but life-changing.

Want more tips? Our Watch Dogs 2 walkthrough and guide provides an overview of everything you can do in the open-world game, from all finding all Key Data locations, unique vehicles and finding hidden gnomes and gnome outfit, through to tips on races, ScoutX, Driver SF and multiplayer. We also have walkthroughs on Trophy and Achievement specific side-quests Ubistolen, $911 and Shadows as well as how to get more Followers and how to make money.

How to complete the Gnome Outfit quest in Watch Dogs 2

Caesar iv key. Now you've collected all ten gnomes, head for the north west corner of the park south east of WKZ station.

Hidden in the bushes is a tent, and the outfit is inside - use the Jumper to pick it up, then head to HQ or any clothing store to equip each item. You have bottoms, a mask, shirt, hat and shoes all labeled as ?!. Piece them together and voila - a gnome! The perfect costume to take with you online.