
Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Dlc

1 Jan 2000admin
Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Dlc Average ratng: 7,5/10 5135 votes

The Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Season Pass includes the following content: 7 challenge tombs (either co-op or single player). 7 weapons, outfits, and skills. Multiple narrative side missions. 1 of each of the above will be exclusive to the Season Pass.

Click ' Start' button to enter the game in Twoplayergames.org portal. Bomberman Legend continues with 4th game of the serie. Bombyx games. More adventure, more action and more features are ready with the newest game.

Available: After completing the Empty-handed chapter.

In the rebellion hideout, speak with Q' orianka and she'll ask Lara to seek out the Shield of the Age Maker in the Path of Huracan, which will supposedly help Unuratu prove her claim to rule.

Locate the entrance to the Path of Huracan

The entrance to the Path of Huracan is located behind the waterfall in the northeast corner of Paititi. Wade through the water and exit onto the ledge behind the waterfall and then climb the craggy wall on the left to enter the path.

Reach the Shield of the Age Maker

Head straight and jump across the gap and then look for a path on the right to find the Mural - Pillars of Heaven in the corner. Continue along the path until you're forced to jump and grapple a climbable wall and then shimmy right and side jump to another wall to rappel swing to solid ground.

Climb up the wall and jump/scramble to a ledge straight ahead and then shimmy left and side jump to a climbable wall, making sure to grapple onto it. Rappel and wall run/jump to another ledge on the left and shimmy around to a craggy wall above the ledge and then climb around the corner and jump/grapple another wall to reach solid ground.

Follow the path to a conquistadors campsite and collect the Document - Prayer for the Loyal Dead, along with some Salvage, and then continue along the path.

In the next area, the strong wind will knock Lara off the narrow walkways, leading to her death. Wait for a lull in the wind before rushing across the walkway and then use the walls on your left, which will block the wind, to reach the other side of the path.

Before trying to cross the next walkway, Rope Arrow a barrier on the left to pull the wall toward your position and then use it as protection from the wind to reach the other side of the area. You can now swing across to solid ground and grapple the climbable wall, on the opposite side of the hole in the ground, and then rappel down to the outside.

Cross the overturned tree trunk and jump/grapple to the nearby wall, but don't bother to climb up and instead swing and grapple the hanging quipus. Swing to another climbable wall and climb up to solid ground and then follow the path to a rope-wrapped crank.

Attach the nearby rope-wrapped barrier to the crank and pull it about halfway across the gap and then use the barrier as a wind blocker to cross the thin beam and grapple the wall on the other side. Climb up to solid ground and wait for a lull in the wind to jump/grapple another climbable wall and then make your way along the ledges to continue.

Cross the next beam and jump/grapple the opposite wall, when it collapses beneath you, and then climb up and follow the path until you reach the spinning windmill.

In order to cross the walkway, wait for the spinning windmill to stop when the wind stops and then Rape Arrow the windmill to the nearby post. This will temporarily hold the windmill in place and close the slits, blocking the wind, and allow you to run to the other side.

Climb up the craggy wall and follow the path to a two-beam walkway and then head down the stairs to find a rope-wrapped post, opposite the windmill. Wait for a lull in the wind to cross the top of the windmill, where the central column is wrapped with rope, and then Rope Arrow the bridge to the left of the two-beam walkway to lower it. You can now cross back to the stairs and Rope Arrow the lowered bridge to the rope-wrapped post before the line break and it raises again.

Head back up the stairs to the walkway and Rope Arrow the barrier on the right and then carefully stay behind it to block the wind, as it slowly move back toward the bridge. Follow the path to reach the shield's resting place to trigger some dialogue and then collect the Document - Ritual Book on the ground, Mural - The Shield's Cradle, and Challenge Tomb's reward, the Skill: A Thousand Eyes. Survival arena indirect.

That Was A Breeze: Complete the Path of Huracan Challenge Tomb. / 50 G

Chase after the Shield

Exit through the doorway behind the stele and hop on the zipline and then cross the overturned tree and jump to the climbable wall straight ahead. Climb around the corner and side jump/grapple to another climbable wall and then rappel and wall run to the right to jump to solid ground.

Enter the ruins and hang a left, cutting the tripwire to avoid the spear trap, and then crawl under the spears and jump over the floor trap directly behind them. Continue by jumping across the bridge and climbing up, when it collapses, and the wall scramble up to a ledge and shimmy right to a tunnel.

Pass through the tunnel and grapple the wall straight ahead and then rappel to the ground and follow the path. At the end of the path, jump and grapple the craggy wall straight ahead and then swing to the ledges on the other side of the cliffs and shimmy left to reach the ruins entrance.

Move deeper into the mountain

Drop down and collect the Document - Q'orianka's Orders on the ground to the right and then head to the other side of the area to find the Mural - Legend of the Shield.

Kukulkan's men patrol the next area, so perform a takedown to reach the ground and then carefully make your way around the area. Focus on taking out the cultists on the upper levels, as they are more likely to spot you than the groups on the ground level, and then finish off the remaining enemies before scrambling up the wall, on the opposite side of the area from where you entered.

Retrieve the Shield

In the next area, simply avoid Kukulkan's cultists by walking along the aqueduct and then wait for the cultists to pass before rushing for the doorway to trigger a scene.

Escape the Cultists

After the scene, eliminate the two Kulkukan cultists behind the altar and then check the area to the left for the Document - Amaru's Diary Page, which will complete the collection. Continue through the mountain, eliminating the cultists along the path and then exit to trigger a scene.

Survive the Trinity ambush

Take cover from Rourke's men and focus on shooting them out as they drop down and then shoot the explosive barrel on the ground, behind the men that rappel in from above. You can now finish of the remaining enemies and make your way up to the area where you spotted Rourke to exit the mountain.

Return to Q'orianka

Speak with Q'orianka to examine the Shield of the Age Makers and complete this mission.

Reward: 'Oathtaker's Bow' weapon & 'Sinchi Chiqua Battle Dress' outfit

Go With the Flow: Complete The Age Makers Side Mission. / 25 G
Eyes of the Storm: Obtain A Thousand Eyes skill, equip elite versions of Oathtaker's Bow and Sinchi Chiqa Battle Dress. / 10 G

Available: After completing the Empty-handed chapter.

In the rebellion hideout, speak with Jonah to learn about the incident that resulted in Uchu's facial scar, the White Breath. Uchu claims the poison would vastly increase the rebellion's numbers, and Lara agrees to traverse the Path of Fear to recover the recipe.

Take the passage through the water

Shadow of the tomb raider dlc schedule

The entrance to the Path of Fear is located through the underwater tunnel in Skull Cave, close to the campsite where Jonah and Uchu are sitting. Enter the water and swim through the tunnel and then squeeze through the crack to continue.

Locate the Path of Fear

Pass through the underwater tunnel to reach an open cavern and then climb up onto solid ground. On the wall of the cavern, locate the craggy portion and jump/grapple to latch on and then side jump and scramble up. You can now follow the path around, swing across the vine, and then grapple the far wall to reach the water on the other side of rocks.

Wade to the back of the area and climb up to solid ground and then grapple another craggy wall on the right. From here, climb up and side jump/grapple another craggy wall and then climb up and scramble to the top of the cliff. You can now take the upper path and swing across the vines to enter the ruins and trigger a scene.

After the scene, squeeze through the doorway to find the White Queen, and her guards, and then exit through the double doors on the left. Follow the hallway, watching glimpses of Lara's past, and then approach Robert for another scene.

Swim deeper into the crypt and pry through the debris and then continue through the tunnels until you escape a watery death. After spotting Jonah, make your way through the tunnels while defeating the Yaaxil, Trinity soldiers, and Serpent Guards, until you're overwhelmed in another scene.

Follow the linear path through the flooded remains of Cozumel, witnessing additional scenes, and then push through the doors at the back of the area. In the graveyard, outside Croft Manor, follow Jonah's voice to a gravestone and interact with it multiple times to trigger another scene.

Enter the tomb

Back in the real world, you can now squeeze through the gap straight ahead to enter the tomb.

Locate the White Breath

There are two paths leading forward, and while both will get you to your destination, there are collectibles that you'll miss if you don't take the correct path.

From the entrance, cross the overturned trunk on the left path and swing to solid ground and then jump and grapple the craggy wall ahead. Continue by rappelling down to the area below and then grapple the vines to swing across the gap to another area. You can now take either path to the area with makeshift crosses, where Lara mentions the Valley of the Monkey Twins.

Continue by heading down the stairs and grapple the wall straight ahead and then shimmy right and side jump/grapple to another wall. You can now jump to solid ground and climb the ledges to reach another split, where you'll find the Mural - Gathering Followers.

Take the right path, down the zipline, and hang a left and then grapple the wall straight ahead and climb to solid ground. You can now cross the thin walkway and examine the Mural - Exiled Twins and then scramble the wall to the left, shimmy across the wooden beam, and rappel to the ground.

Continue to follow the path, using the wooden turbine to climb across the gap, and then climb the partially broken ladder on the right to reach the upper level. Make sure to collect the Document - Instrument Blueprint from the ground before prying open the mechanism, creating a path forward, and then jump across the gap and push both levers to open the gate.

The puzzle ahead is fairly straight forward, once you understand the mechanics, but you'll find there are a number of timed events due to the rhythm of the 'music'.

From the entrance, jump across the platform straight ahead, which raises when the wind passes through it, and then drop off to the right onto a wooden walkway. Carefully follow the walkway, passing over the spikes in between their raised intervals, and then push the lever at the end of the walkway. Now that the third 'drum' is moved forward, backtrack along the walkway and scramble up the wall and then cross the top of the drums, after the beat.

From this platform, Rope Arrows a zipline and cross to the other side of the gap and then press the lever beneath the platform, straight ahead, as well as the one in front of the retracted drum. You can now turn around and swing under the platform, which raises when the wind passes through it, climb up, and then cross over the same platform.

Once again, wait for the beat to jump across the drums and then hang a left, dropping off the stairs, and jump across to the other side again. Here you'll need to push two more levers, once the spikes lower, at each end of the platform.

Backtrack to the top of the zipline and cross the platform, when it raises, and then swing across the monkey bar and jump from the top of the drum to a hanging platform. From here, wait for the platform straight ahead to raise, when the wind passes through it, to reach an area with a crank.

Rope Arrow the lever of the crane to the nearby post before moving it, which rotates the hanging platform, and then jump onto the platform and catty-corner to a new area. You can now drop down and Rope Arrow another line to the base of the crane, across the gap, and then rotate the crank to move the hanging platform even more.

Scramble the wall and jump to the hanging platform and then wait for the beat before jumping across the drums and platforms to reach the final area. You can now head up the stairs to collect the Challenge Tomb's reward, the Skill: White Breath.

Monkey Do: Complete the Howl of the Monkey Gods Challenge Tomb. / 50 G

Return to Uchu

Speak with Uchu to hand over the recipe to the White Breath and complete this mission.

Reward: 'Griff of Fear' weapon & 'Scales of Q - Feathered Serpent' outfit

Harmony: Complete the Path of Fear Side Mission. / 25 G
Creature Comforts: Obtain White Breath skill, equip Grip of Fear White Knuckle and Scales of Q Feathered Serpent. / 10 G