
Splatoon 3

1 Jan 2000admin
Splatoon 3 Average ratng: 6,6/10 8372 votes

Dec 13, 2019  Project Splatoon 3 is AMAZING! Follow Squeaky for more on the Splatoon 3 concept - This should be Splatoon 3! Splatoon 3 is a group on Roblox owned by Qrim with 14 members. Definitly going to happen pls belive.

Hi! So I felt like making a theory because I had this neat idea that could happen in Splatoon 3.

Let me explain,

So you know the Squid versus Octopus Splatfest? I was thinking about that Splatfest and I had a idea/theory. I think that MAYBE this Splatfest could affect the third game just like the Callie versus Marie Splatfest did. Let’s say the Octopus team wins. The Inklings will be fine with it for the rest of Splatoon 2. Around the time of the third game, some Inklings will read the Splatfest rules and find a rule. (Pictures of the rule at the bottom of this post). The Inklings that find this out will show many Inklings this rule. The Inklings will get upset and argue with the Octolings and eventually the Second Great Turf War will begin (Or something like that). The Octolings will win a lot of battles and they will force the inklings underground. In the third game, you will play as a Inkling. The Inklings will have built a city much like Inkopolis but more underground-like. Turf wars and ranked modes will be training for the war. The story mode will be battles against the Octarians. The Inklings will win the war at the end of the story mode.

You probably have a few questions.

1. Inklings don’t know that the Octolings are Octolings, right?

Answer: Yea, but I imagine that maybe Marina will accidentally say she’s a octoling. The Inklings feel a bit dumb not noticing it. They may decide to research more about Octolings and they find a picture of one. They notice that they have similar hairstyles to the Octolings that they thought were Inklings. They start to get a bit suspicious of the Octolings that were living with them. One inkling notices that when the Octolings they lived with turned into “squids” they looked like octopi. The Inkling tells his/her friends and his/her friends tell their friends and so on.

2. What happens when you beat the story mode? Wouldn’t the Inklings go to the surface? What about the Inklings who didn’t beat the story mode?

Answer: Good question, I believe that maybe some Inklings will get attached to their underground home and stay, some Inklings will go and live on the surface. You would play as the inkling that stayed underground. Maybe you could visit the surface and get surface only gear (This could motivate players to finish the story mode).

2 1/2. In that case, where would the Octolings go since the Inklings would most likely force them back underground where some Inklings still live?

Answer: They’d live somewhere else underground, away from the Inklings.

I can’t think of any more questions, feel free to ask more in the comments!

In conclusion, this probably won’t happen since I think it’s too dark of a idea for Splatoon 3 and Nintendo, since Splatoon 3 will probably be a E 10+ game. I’m not that good at making theory’s but I hope you liked it! Tell me what you think in the comments! Thanks for reading.

We Happy Few is a first-person roguelike survival game from Compulsion Games. It is a tale of a plucky bunch of moderately terrible people trying to escape from a lifetime of cheerful denial. We happy few wiki.

Edit: Hey thanks for the feature

Rule (I got this from a video, that’s why the picture is like that)
Rule (I got this from a video, that’s why the picture is like that)

You're probably thinking, It's way too soon to be thinking of the Sequel to Splatoon 2, But it's fun to theorize about in our little minds. It's highly unlikely that Nintendo would suddenly release Spla3n (Doesn't have a nice ring to it, Haha), Out of the blue. Which is good because no one likes a rushed game packed with a ton of glitches (Reminds me of GTA 4 - What a disaster).

With that said, There was a two year gap between Splatoon and Splatoon 2. This was a reasonable time-frame, in my opinion. Allowed for plenty of time to brainstorm ideas, character designs, All-new weapons, Lovely Idols, Innovative stages and much more. The outcome was satisfying and the sequel delivered in many ways. There's always something fresh to look forward to (Wonderful DLC and exciting Splatfests!).

In this sequel, once you've finished all the levels and gotten 3 stars on all of them, there is little left to do, other than play previously-mastered levels for more sardines. They should ad an endless runner mode, like the first game had. Kitty in the box 2 level 43 full stars.

My question to you is, When do you think Splatoon 3 will be introduced to the community? If it actually becomes a thing, Of course (It's still early days and may not even happen, possibly). I really hope the franchise continues and not die off eventually. That would be devastating.

2 year gap just like Splatoon/Splatoon 2? (Most likely, Following the pattern).

Perhaps a 3 year gap instead? Or even 4? More? (Questionable).

Make sure to vote in the poll and give your thoughts! This should be interesting!

Hard to find a relatable pic on something that isn't confirmed yet. :v

Credits to RoyalPinkPrincess for the pic, Taken from the Galleria.